Mike Centex L.I.F.E.



Socrates stated that “The unexamined life is not worth living“.   I reluctantly agree.  That’s the reason I created MCL.

Welcome to the site where I share the interesting things I do and dynamic people I meet along my journey.  Then I let you, my friends, keep me on track by telling me what is truly important and interesting and what is just down right hog dribble and a waste of time.  I can get off on tangents without notice!

LIFE is an acronym for the following:

LAND – This is the stuff you stand on.  Basically it is real estate and I have an extensive background in many real estate specialties.  A lot of people are interested in real estate and that’s not just a house where you live.  There’s recreational real estate, investment real estate, public use real estate and even real estate for schools and education.  Its a big topic so I call it land.  Its also the first letter in Life, so that was convenient as well.

INDEPENDENCE – In my opinion, independence is simply the opposite of dependence.  We depend on many things daily.  But when the things we depend on fail us, we suddenly must overcome them to move forward.  Independence and Dependence are choices we must make.  I’ve found that while I do depend on a lot of things, the more I learn to be independent, the more control I have over my life and my environment.   So, I constantly try and learn new ways to become independent and retain control of the factors that impact the quality of my life.  You may prefer dependence, and that’s A OK!  You probably wont like much you see on this site though so now is a good time to click that mouse.

FOOD – I LOVE Food!  I love growing and raising it, I love cooking it, I love eating it and I love not having to go to a store to get it! I don’t like doing the dishes so I guess that’s one area I’ll have to improve on.   The food we eat is heavily subsidized by our current economic and governmental system.  Americans spend a much lower percentage of gross income on food than most other people in the world.  Therefore, we are “Dependent” on a subsidized food production system and if the subsidies were to stop, the cost of our food would inflate greatly.  I raise food so that if that happens, the impact to my family will be lessened.

Energy – Much of the energy we purchase is also heavily subsidized, just like food.  Our energy costs are lower than many places throughout the world.  Therefore, I don’t want to become solely dependent on subsidized energy, (see independence above) so I study practice and learn ways to control my own energy use, production and consumption.

My goal is to share all I have with others and learn from them all I do not yet know.  I know.. maybe a little unrealistic for a goal but hey its not like its a bad plan..

They say good judgement comes from experience.  Well I have some of that.   But I hear they also say that experience comes from bad judgement.  And yeah, I’ve had some of that too.

I was smart enough to learn from other idiot’s mistakes so maybe I can save you some grief and pass on a valuable lesson or two.  Maybe you can teach me something too.  I good teacher learns more than they teach.  What I think is interesting may not be your cup of tea so thank any God of your choosing there are 100 million other websites to critique!  Don’t feel limited to to just mine!

So lets sit back, take a look at this site and YouTube Channel and let’s see what this Mike Centex fellow is all about..

Mike Centex Life YouTube Channel

(Oh, and since I always freakin forget to say it, Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel.  It inspires me to create better video content and I might even have a contest where you could win something out of my prize closet)
Please Note: No warranties, explicit, limited or implied by this site’s content.  Use at your own discretion, Objects in mirrors are closer than they appear, Ask your Doctor if Mike Centex LIFE is right for you and please, do not return to store or call customer support.

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